
Friday, August 29, 2014

Sorry, Gotta Run!

Well, I know it doesn't look good to miss a day of posting after disappearing for several months.  I don't want you all to think that I've flaked out again.

That said, I'll only be making a quick post today and it has nothing to do with baseball;  but, it does deal with my second favorite sport.

That sport being running.  You know - cross country, track & field, marathons etc. etc.

Yes, I'm a glutton for pain.

Somehow, I scored a scholarship to run cross country for the University of St. Francis, a small, private school in Joliet, IL based on my lackluster high school career.

That's me in the white jersey, competing at Notre Dame in 2009

My freshman year (2007... time rushes on by, doesn't it?) was the first year of the program.  By my senior season (2010), we won the conference meet and qualified for the NAIA national meet.  Two years later, the team won the national title.

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

At any rate, today the school is hosting a pre-season exhibition meet to see where they stack up.  They also invited all of us old-timey alumni back to compete as a team.

Old school vs. new school.

I'm no longer is peak shape.  In fact, I barely run more than twice a week anymore and I haven't run a race in more than a year.  So, I shan't be embarrassing anyone on the current squad; just myself.

But, I'm really looking forward to seeing some old friends... and the free dinner that follows afterwards!

If I don't post tomorrow, just assume that I had a heart attack and keeled over right there on the course.

1 comment:

  1. College athletics... what a blast. I played Div. III baseball and wouldn't have traded the experience for anything in the world. Enjoy your Young vs. Old race! LOL
